St Lo

Browse A German Prisoner gives information
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A German Prisoner gives information


Browse A US patrol picks its way through St Lo
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A US patrol picks its way through St Lo


Browse Advance guard of US 29th Infantry Division
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Advance guard of US 29th Infantry Division


Browse American Infantry checks out a dead German soldier
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American Infantry checks out a dead German soldier


Browse American Infantry escort Oberst von Aulock into captivity
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American Infantry escort Oberst von Aulock into captivity


Browse American Infantrymen attacking St Lo
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American Infantrymen attacking St Lo


Browse American M8 Greyhound armoured cars
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American M8 Greyhound armoured cars


Browse American tank lumbers through the streets of St-Lo
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American tank lumbers through the streets of St-Lo


Browse American troops being welcomed as liberators
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American troops being welcomed as liberators


Browse An American 81mm M1 Mortar
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An American 81mm M1 Mortar


Browse An American armoured vehicle
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An American armoured vehicle


Browse An American infantryman advances
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An American infantryman advances


Browse An American truck struck by artillery fire
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An American truck struck by artillery fire


Browse Direct hit on a German ammunition truck
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Direct hit on a German ammunition truck


Browse First café in St-Lo
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First café in St-Lo


Browse German soldier surrenders to American troops
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German soldier surrenders to American troops


Browse House to house fightng in St Malo
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House to house fightng in St Malo


Browse Infantry patrol hugs the hedge row
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Infantry patrol hugs the hedge row


Browse Overhead view of a Pillbox
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Overhead view of a Pillbox


Browse Sgt Rex Potts of Washington
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Sgt Rex Potts of Washington


Browse St-Lo on 19 July 1944
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St-Lo on 19 July 1944


Browse The body of Major Thomas D. Howie
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The body of Major Thomas D. Howie


Browse Troops move through St-Lo
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Troops move through St-Lo


Browse US Engineers clear the streets in St-Lo
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US Engineers clear the streets in St-Lo


Browse US Infantry clearing an enemy held village
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US Infantry clearing an enemy held village


Browse US infantry move to support troops
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US infantry move to support troops


Browse US Infantry taking cover
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US Infantry taking cover


Browse US infantryman wields a light machine gun
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US infantryman wields a light machine gun


Browse US Infantrymen move warily along a road
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US Infantrymen move warily along a road


Browse US medics in a jeep
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US medics in a jeep


Browse US Patrol advance to clean out enemy snipers
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US Patrol advance to clean out enemy snipers


Browse Vehicles of the US 29th Infantry Division
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Vehicles of the US 29th Infantry Division


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