Operations Varsity and Plunder
12th Para Bn crossing the River Elbe
17th Abn Div officers and soldiers
17th Airborne Division on Op Varsity 24th March
17th Airborne Division US Glider troops
32nd Cavalry Recon Squadron
44th Royal Tank Regiment
45 Div XV Corps Durkheim 26 March
5th British Paratroops cross the Elbe
5th/7th Argyll and Southern Highlanders
6 AB Div with American Airborne Troops
6th Airborne senior officers
6th Airborne with prisoners
6th Commando personnel in a defensive position
8 Para recieving last minute instruction
89th Division 3rd US Army
89th Division 3rd US Army
8th US Airforce B-24 Liberators
9th AF mechanics asemble a glider in France
9th US Army Engineers
A 6-pdr anti-tank gun guards a road junction
A British Achilles self-propelled gun
A change of guards took place south of Roermond
A Churchill bridging tank
A Churchill tank from 147th Hampshire Regiment
A Churchill tank of 6th Guards Tank Brigade
A Class 40 pontoon bridge over the Rhine
A convoy of jeeps east of the Rhine
A Dakota comes down during the Rhine Crossing
A downed Fw 190F-8/R1
A formation of Halifax glider tugs
A German infantry unit command post
A German strongpoint on the Elbe
A Horsa glider is unloaded on the landing zone
A knocked out Valentine XI tank
A machine gun crew of the US 9th Army
A mobile flak train full of 88s